Music Festivals
We organize music festivals for Northern Zone music students to showcase their skills and learn from other musicians.

Honor Ensembles
We offer opportunities for Northern Zone music students to participate in honor ensembles and work with renowned musicians in the industry.

Other NZNMEA Events
We provide quality music education programs to Northern Zone music students to help them develop their skills and reach their full potential.

Northern Zone Nevada Music Educators Association (NZNMEA) is a branch of the Nevada Music Education Association. We are dedicated to providing quality music education experiences for Northern Zone music students through festivals, honor ensembles, and other events. Our team of experienced educators and musicians are passionate about helping students develop their skills and reach their full potential.
NZNMEA President
Jon Brill
NZNMEA Vice President
Mark Porter
NZNMEA Secretary
Briana Valley
NZNMEA Tresurer
Stephanie Van Orman

For any inquiries or questions, please fill out the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Members only page
Please remember to be a member you must be a NZNMEA teacher using their school email. All other member requests will be denied
Contact Information
Honor Ensemble Info
If you need any information on Honor Ensembles or groups please talk with your school instructor first.